For over a decade, THE BIBLE Baptist Church of DeLand has had the joy of training men and women for full and part time Christian service through the ministry of The DeLand School of THE BIBLE. Seeing our graduates head for pastorates and mission stations around the world has been a tremendous joy. If you desire a place in the ministry the complete training provided at The DeLand School of THE BIBLE will prove invaluable.
However, not everyone who wants a disciplined course of study is headed for ministerial service, and not everyone who desires to attend Bible school has the means to relocate. We have spoken to countless individuals over the past ten years who just could not make the move to DeLand in order to study with us. Thus, since the Spring of 2014, we have made our classes available to correspondence students.
How the Program Works
Our classes meet Monday through Wednesday evenings for three hours each night, sixteen weeks in the spring and sixteen weeks in the Fall. Most nights there is a 20 minute break in the middle of class for our local students.
Our off-site correspondence students can enroll in these classes for a small fee. For all students, we record the classes’ audio and video live and distribute them via the Internet after the class.
You do NOT have to watch the classes live. You may watch the recorded sessions at your leisure, but if you are taking classes for credits (i.e. taking the tests), you will need to watch the sessions on a timely basis.
As a correspondence student, you will be given private YouTube video and audio links which will grant you access to these lessons as they are posted. You will be given a time frame during which to listen or view the classes. You will have an administrator from THE BIBLE Baptist Church who will send you your tests, grade them upon return, and monitor your progress.
Those enrolling in the correspondence school will get to listen in to the classes, will get to take the exams, will have them graded, will get a semester grade for each class and a record will be kept of your progress. Upon completion of twenty-four classes with a passing grade you will receive a certificate of completion.
We do hope this new opportunity to study under the pastor and teachers of THE BIBLE Baptist Church through The DeLand School of THE BIBLE will be of great blessing to you.
What benefits are there to attending classes in-person in Deland, Florida?
Students who attend The DeLand School of THE BIBLE in person participate in public preaching, house to house evangelism, nursing home and other visitation ministries, observe and work within a thriving local church. This is all a part of their training and factors in to their ability to graduate and to be commended by our church for the ministry upon completing school. They also have the opportunity to ask questions of their instructors, to receive specialized help in areas of weakness. Unfortunately, none of these things will be available to those taking classes by correspondence.
Why do we charge tuition for correspondence students and not for attending students?
- Attending students have demonstrated a level of commitment by moving here and attending classes. It would be too easy for someone to sign up as a correspondence student and then lose interest and drop out. A nominal tuition charge indicates some level of commitment and helps limit the students to those who are truly committed.
- By opening up the school to correspondence students, the amount of work involved in replying to questions, reading and grading tests, and general administrative functions will be greatly increased. The men who teach and assist in the classes already have a full schedule of ministry activities, families and jobs. If we are going to ask them to shoulder an even greater burden, then it is only right that we compensate them for their work.
Ready to Apply?
Please see the Getting Started page for information on how to enroll.